[ P O R T A F O L I O ]
<< B A C K
| 2 0 1 7 |___________
House in a blind alley
Net Zero Energy House in Kobe
| 2 0 1 6 |___________
landscape of island
| 2 0 1 5 |___________
2015 ACK Workshop in Kobe
south inside corner
| 2 0 1 4 |___________
little house
| 2 0 1 3 |___________
Gentle terrain
and Many sheds
| 2 0 1 2 |___________
"cobweb" at Hiroshima MOCA
| 2 0 1 1 |___________
| 2 0 1 0 |___________
ant nest
H project
M O R E >>
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